France Pièce There are 23 products.

Showing 1 - 23 of 23 items
  • 29.75 CHF

    Tartare ail et fines herbes 1.000Kg

    29.75 CHF
  • 2.85 CHF

    This small french cheese is producted in Val-de-Loire's township ( Center of France). It is made by cow milk.It looks like a small cap, its paste is white and its crust ivory.

    2.85 CHF
  • 10.75 CHF

    The bouyguette is a good cheese very representative from the south France's scrubland ( specially the Tarn township).Made with raw milk, its form is elongated, manually formed . By its special form and its rosemary's sping, it is perfect to decorate cheese plates.

    10.75 CHF
  • 14.25 CHF

    This cheese with a grey crust is made by raw goat milk.Coming from Val-de-Loire township ( center of France), it has the particularity to be maintain by a rye straw.Very fresh and with a tender texture, it will seduces all gourmets.

    14.25 CHF
  • 12.65 CHF
  • 7.65 CHF

    Camembert Gaslonde LC 150gr

    7.65 CHF
  • 11.05 CHF

    French cheese product in Normandie's township ( north of France).Made by cow milk, the cheese is then soaked many days in Calvados. Its paste is soft and flowery.Refinement: 35 days.

    11.05 CHF
  • 11.20 CHF

    French cheese coming from Lorraine's township . The taste is spicy and perfumed by fruity notes. Its crust is cleaned and it is refined with mirabelle alcohol.

    11.20 CHF
  • 10.95 CHF

    Sa croûte est fine et présente des moisissures superficielles blanches, jaunes ou bleues. Sa pâte est blanche de texture homogène et fine pouvant être cassante après un affinage prolongé. Affinage: 10 à 20 jours.Its crust is thin and presents superficials molds, yellow or blue. Its paste is white , has a homjogeneous texture and can be brittle after a...

    10.95 CHF
  • 6.35 CHF

    French cheese made by pasteurized goat milk. Its paste white and mellow contains a bio fig jam in its center. Natural crust.

    6.35 CHF
  • 4.65 CHF

    Made by whole goat milk, slightly pressed. Its white paste is smooth and firm but stays melting in mouth. Its crust is natural and flowery.Refinement: 6 up to 60 days.

    4.65 CHF
  • 14.55 CHF

    French cheese producted in Bourgogne's township ( France).Made by pasteurized cow milk. Moulded in bags, its crust is made with mustard bran.Its taste is fresh and prickly.

    14.55 CHF
  • 14.15 CHF

    This emblematic coming from Bourgogne's township made by cow milk is known for its strong and characteristic smell.Its crust has a nice orange color resultant of its refinement ( the cheese is regulary rub with Marc de Bourgogne).Its texture is creamy and its taste plain and harmonious.

    14.15 CHF
  • 9.25 CHF

    This protected designation of origin french cheese is producted in Champagne-Ardenne's township. It is made by cow milk. Its paste is soft and its crust cleaned with Marc alcohol has an orange color. Its taste is creamy and flavoured.Refinement: between 2 and 4 weeks.

    9.25 CHF
  • 14.85 CHF

    This famous french cheese coming from Normandie township is recognizable at its orange and white cleaned crust belted with 5 sedge.Made by raw cow milk.Its paste is flexible and its taste strong and long in mouth.

    14.85 CHF
  • 12.10 CHF

    Creamy flavor cheese, it has a authentic goat flavor. Refined on chesnut leaf.

    12.10 CHF
  • 19.05 CHF

    French cheese AOC producted in the Centre Val de Loire township.It's made by pasterized raw goat milk. Its paste is soft and its crust flowery. Its taste is a little bit acid.Refinement: 2 to 5 weeks.

    19.05 CHF
  • 9.90 CHF

    Made with raw goat milk.Its crust is flowery and recovered by greys molds. Its paste is white, homogeneous and smooth. Its taste is sweet, its texture creamy and melting in mouth.Refinement: 10 days.

    9.90 CHF
  • 6.80 CHF

    This french cheese ( coming from Dauphiné's township) has the particularity to be made by whole raw cow milk.This method gives to the St.Marcellin a very creamy, melting texture and a balanced taste perfumed with strong milky notes.To consume between april and september for an optimal taste.

    6.80 CHF
  • 15.85 CHF

    It presents a crust coming from grey to blue-grey. Its flavor is balanced, acid and nutty when it's young, becomes stronger with time. Its texture : creamy, melting in mouth and becomes also dry and brittle.Refinement: at least 10 days.

    15.85 CHF
  • 23.55 CHF

    Pressed paste cheese, coming from Périgord. Made by nuns in Echournac's Abbey. Refine with walnut liqueur.

    23.55 CHF
  • 6.60 CHF

    French cheese producted in Bourgogne's township.Its a small Epoisses, refined with Marc alcohol ( coming from Bourgogne as well). It is made by cow milk.Its paste is creamy with a very strong perfume.Its crust has a orange color.Refinement: about 3 weeks

    6.60 CHF
  • 14.25 CHF

    AoC cheese coming from Berry ( France).It is made by goat milk, has a white soft paste and a natural crust.Its texture is firm and homogeneous and its flavor is perfumed by lactic notes.Refinement: 10 days up to 3 weeks

    14.25 CHF
Showing 1 - 23 of 23 items