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Swiss cheese product in the township of Fribourg ( Semsales). It is made by thermized cow milk. Its paste is tender and has a ivory color. Its crust is orange-brown. Its taste is soft with a note a fir. The cheese is strapped after a bath of salt .

40.85 CHF tax incl.

Info fromage
Lait de : Vache
Traitement de lait : Thermisé
Pâte : Mi-dure
Croûte : Lavée
Info nutritionnelle 100g
Energie Kj : 1400
Energie Kcal : 334
Matière grasse gr : -
Matières grasses saturées : -
Glucides gr. : -
Glucides dont sucres gr. : -
Protéines gr. : -
Sel gr : -
LAIT de vache