Swiss cheese product in the township of Fribourg. Its made by thermized cow milk. Its paste is semi-hard and has a ivory color. Its crust is light brown and cleaned. Its taste is sweet and a little sharpy.Refinement: 6 up to 8 weeks.
Swiss cheese producted in Fribourg's township. It's made by cow milk. its paste is soft and its crust flowery. The taste is a little bit acid and but staying flavoured.
Swiss cheese coming from Sr-Gall township. It's made by raw cow milk of Jersey only. Its paste is creamy and its crust flowery. Refinement: 4 to 8 weeks.
Swiss cheese product in the township of Fribourg ( Black Lake). It's made by raw cow milk. Its paste is semi-hard, has a ivory color and its crust is cleaned. Its taste is creamy, sweet and a little bit fruity. Refinement: between 6 and 12 months, with elderberry juice.
The "Broyard"'s crust has the particularity to be rubbed with paprika. Its taste is sweet with a small note of butter. Refinement: 5 to 6 months.
Le Fribourg a une texture beurrée, une pâte généreuse avec un goût fort mais doux, sans agressivité. Sa croûte décorée de la grue emblème de la Gruyère dans le canton de Fribourg.Durée d'affinage:Env. 9 mois
Swiss cheese product in the township of Lucerne. Its made by pasterized cow milk. Its paste is semi-hard, has a yellow color and its crust is light. Its taste is creamy and sweet. Refinement: 5 to 12 weeks.
Swiss cheese product in the township of Vaud ( Broye Vaudoise). Made by raw cow milk. Its paste is semi-hard and pressed. Its crust is dark brown. The cheese is recovered by plants during the refinement. Refinement: 4 months.
Swiss cheese product in the township of Fribourg ( Mont Vully). Made by cow milk, the paste is pressed and baked. Its crust is regulary cleaned with white wine from Mt-Vully. Its paste is semi-hard and has a ivory color, the taste is delicate, salty and a bit spicy.
Swiss cheese product in the township of Fribourg ( Mont Vully). Made by cow milk, the paste is pressed and baked. Its crust is regulary cleaned with white wine from Mt-Vully. Its paste is semi-hard and has a ivory color, the taste is delicate, salty and a bit spicy.
Swiss cheese product in the township of Fribourg ( Mont Vully). Made by cow milk, the paste is pressed and baked. Its crust is regulary cleaned with red wine ( Pinot Noir). Its paste is semi-hard and has a ivory color, the taste is delicate, salty and a bit spicy.
Cheese product in Fribourg township. It's made by cow milk. Its paste is fresh, soft and has a light yellow color. Its crust is cleaned, has a yellow-brown color. Refine with pepper.
Swiss cheese product in the township of Fribourg ( Semsales). It is made by thermized cow milk. Its paste is tender and has a ivory color. Its crust is orange-brown. Its taste is soft with a note a fir. The cheese is strapped after a bath of salt .
Perle de TruffeLes truffes noires sont les perles de plaisir du Piémont dans le nord de l'Italie. L'arôme incomparable du champignon truffe du sud s'harmonise à merveille avec le fromage.
Swiss cheese producted in Glâne's township ( Fribourg). It is made by raw cow milk. Its paste is semi-hard,and its crust orange-brown is cleaned and bowed wit white vine .Its taste is creamy, becoming stronger with refinement.Refinement: 2 up to 3 months.
Semi-hard cheese from Fribourg township. Made with cow milk. The taste is arom,atic, salty depending on refinement.
This old swiss cheese with an very hard-paste is the national equivalent of the Italien Parmesan. More creamy as this one, it can be grated, broken or eat as it is.Only made by raw cow milk, it develops a fruity flavor with age. Indeed, the Sbrinz has a long refinement ( 24 months) that makes of it a strong caracter's cheese.
Swiss cheese producted in Fribourg's township ( Gruyère).Made by thermized goat milk. Its texture is tender and its taste slightly acid and perfumed.Refinement: about 3 months.
Swiss cheese producted in Fribourg's township ( near to the Moléson famous montain).It is made by whole raw cow milk. Its paste is creamy, has an ivory color and is recovered by a thin white foam on its crust.Its taste is subtle and smooth.Refinement: 20 to 45 days.
Swiss cheese producted in the Oriental part of the country. It's made by cow milk. Its paste is sweet and aromatic with a wet crust brown-red. Refinement: around 180 days.
Swiss cheese producted in the Oriental part of the country. It's made by cow milk. Its paste is sweet and aromatic with a wet crust brown-red. Refinement: around 180 days.
A wonderfull cheese coming from the Jura's township. Made by montains natural cow milk, refined during 4 months on fir boards. The "Tête de Moine" isn't cut but tour on a tray, forming cheese flowers. This flowers are very thins and are giving an esthetic experience.
A wonderfull cheese coming from the Jura's township. Made by montains natural cow milk, refined during 4 months on fir boards. The "Tête de Moine" isn't cut but tour on a tray, forming cheese flowers. This flowers are very thins and are giving an esthetic experience.
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